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Apex Art

'Bitcoin will be the catalyst of Renaissance 2.0,
a digital Renaissance impacting the real world.
It will herald the apex of humanity.'

Have you ever wondered why art and architecture are no longer produced in such a lavish, ostentatious way with attention to detail? It's due to centuries ago, the people of the world had hard money as the basis of a flourishing civilization. A civilization that could put time and energy into talents and interests because their money did not bind them to an ever growing hamster wheel.


With increasing intervention by states and banks, our money lost quality and gained quantity, so did art. But this doesn't have to be..

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'There is nothing more honest and pure than Proof-of-Work.'

Who am I? I don't really know myself, as Bitcoin has been shaping me increasingly and in ever new facets for several years now, along with the realization of constant personal development and self-reflection. What I do know is that I love Bitcoin and art. That brings us to the quintessence of my work.


An artist from Germany, in the early stages of his fourth decade of life, who is drawn to the strong singularity of the "Bitcoin Black Hole" so that he feels a deep urge to be an active part of arguably the greatest renaissance in living memory.

The best way to do this should be with interests and talents - my talent is drawing.


I specialize in pencil.


Simple, straightforward, elegant and yet capable of conjuring up true proof-of-work masterpieces, much like the lifeblood of Bitcoin.

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For more information about my Proof-of-Work,
feel free to get in touch with me.

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